Monday, May 5, 2008

Break-out the Candles and Have a Picnic

It is often difficult to find time to spend with your significant ofter after a little one comes along. A fun, easy, inexpensive way to have time together is to have a picnic on the back lawn.

After you've got the little ones tucked away for the night spread a blanket on the back lawn, light a few candles, play some mood music and break out the finger foods--strawberries and cream are always a good choice. And you wont even have to find a babysitter because you haven't left the house.

Summer is almost upon us so take advantage of this time to stargaze together.

Also I've run across an on-line candle store that sells soy based candles: These are organic soy candles and better for the environment. They are more clean burning, and my husband much prefers them. I hope you also have a great experience with them.

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